EVENTOS │TAX FREE RECORDS ➤ El Muelle 1931 Shop (◉‿◉)

EL MUELLE 1931 presenta...


Mañá xoves organizamos un evento moi especial na nosa tenda de discos. Desde Berlin damos a benvida a Employee e Yeahlena, que nos levarán de excursión polas corredoiras máis estrañas e inesperadas da música que inspira a un dos nosos selos favoritos do mundo mundial: TAX FREE RECORDS.

O que nos fai amar con tanta intensidade a Tax Free é a súa paixón pola música de espíritu libre, a experimentación sen límites e a súa actitude anti-mercado inspirada en selos coma Dischord de Ian Mackaye.
Música de dormitorio inclasificable cun certo aire psicodélico que bebe de selos de bibliotecas coma Music House e Atmosphere, a música tribal producida por hipnóticos polirritmos de máquinas e a rica tradición da electrónica DIY europea que parece non facer concesións a ninguén.

O line up para este primeiro evento na nosa tenda non estaría completo sen a participación da lenda local Juait, que a partir das cinco da tarde estará mesturando os seus cortes favoritos de Tax Free.

Non fai falta comentar que este tipo de acontecementos non suceden moi a miúdo...

XOVES 5 out | 17:00 - 21:00 h

*Entrada > Doazón para as artistas
Chegade cedo para non quedar sen sitio!


EL MUELLE 1931 presents...

Tomorrow thursday we organize a very special event in our record store. From Berlin we welcome Employee and Yeahlena, who will take us on an excursion through the strangest and most unexpected paths of the music that inspires one of our favorite labels: TAX FREE RECORDS,

What makes us love Tax Free so intensely is the pure passion for free-spirited music, the limitless experimentation and the pure anti-market attitude inspired by labels like Ian Mackaye's Dischord.
Unclassifiable bedroom music with a certain psychedelic air that draws from library tracks like Music House and Atmosphere, tribal music produced by hypnotic machine polyrhythms and the rich tradition of European DIY electronica that seems to make no concessions to anyone.

The line up for this first event in our store would not be complete without the participation of the local legend Juait, that from five in the afternoon will be djing his favorite Tax Free cuts.

Don't forget that this kind of events don't happen very often...

THUR 05 oct | 17:00 - 21:00 h

*Entry: donation for the artists.
Be careful not to be late to guarantee entry!

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