Isak Hedtjärn - Kvarpan - ElMuelle1931
Isak Hedtjärn - Kvarpan - ElMuelle1931
Isak Hedtjärn - Kvarpan - ElMuelle1931
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Isak Hedtjärn - Kvarpan - ElMuelle1931
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Isak Hedtjärn - Kvarpan - ElMuelle1931

Isak Hedtjärn - Kvarpan

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Fönstret / Sweden / 2024

Kvarpa. Kvarpa. 
A kvarpa of ancient eternity
Ancient territory
A kvarpa as a state of mind
A state of mind
One mind
“Kvarpa” being the tool. 
Mostly known as a clarinet. In this case a metal clarinet. 
Isak Hedtjärn loves to bend the corners. To extend the possibilities. To go deep. 
To challenge labelling and conventions.
I hear the colors moving in. The tiny tiny tiny difference in nuances. 
Closer and closer. Surrounded inside of my mind. Inside? Surrounded? 
This music is dangerous. 
F**king with my brain. Colors are truly moving in. 
At me. On Me. In me. In all possible way affecting me. 
My way of hearing and understanding. Music in general. And life in particular. 
Zooming in on the small details. The overtones. The harmonics. The micro phrasings. The colors.
The small sounds connect. The layers connect. It is all connected they say. It for sure is. 
With microscopic movements and imagined and suggested directions, Hedtjärn is inviting us to his world of wonder. 
This ain’t no normal mac & cheese. This ain’t no normal fish & chips. This ain’t no normal slang med halka. 
This is no normal way of overdubbing musical activities. Overdubbing blindly. 
Not listening back to the previous layers. Feeling it out. As ONE mind. 
This ain’t normal. 
Therefore it IS. 
On all levels, IT IS. 
The small sounds connect. Interacts. The SLOW – and ultra fast — research of the moment. 
The associative mechanics of the moment. 
This is ancient music.
One of the real challenges with playing improvised music in a solo situation is the lack of a partner to interact with. This is of course the nature of playing solo. We know this. 
Hedtjärn found an unusual way of a highly interactive solo activity. 
And I LOVE it! 
This is radical shit. This is beautiful shit. 
This ain’t no normal shit… This is ancient shit. 
Exploring the moment as it passes by.
Moving freely between the free-floating melodic associations and the microscopic multilayered interactions with himself. Hedtjärn is playing with himself (excuse the erotic affiliations here…) in a way I have not really heard before. 
Never ever ever.
It is deeply touching. On a human level. Hedtjärn is sharing it all. And… sharing IS all. 
Hedtjärn is sharing it in an interactive way with the listener, who can not and should not escape. 
Do not be afraid. Jump straight into it! You will be deeply rewarded. Hear the shifts of color. See the microtonal layers of beauty.
One mind. A State of mind. Ancient shit. Kvarpa.