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La era de las imágenes desaparecidas
MUELLE - Warehouse
Pickup currently unavailableRúa da Senra 6 15702
15702 Santiago de Compostela
A Coruña
Spain -
Pickup available, usually ready in 2-4 daysRúa de San Pedro 57
15703 Santiago de Compostela
A Coruña
Carne Líquida / 2019 / Caderno A4 - Grapa / 32 páxs. / B/N (portada, interior) / Castelán
* english below
"O fanzine está baseado no Álbum de estampas como modelos para a aprendizaxe artística, reunidas por Juan Clemente Brignardelli (G-5922). Trátase dun álbum de 114 páxinas de gran formato que reúne adheridas 420 estampas, case todas elas gravados a buril ou augaforte, dos séculos XVI ao XVIII, de diferentes escolas europeas. O estado de conservación das estampas, deterioradas polo seu uso diario na Escola de Debuxo de Cádiz, da que Brignardelli foi profesor a finais do século XVIII e comezos do XIX, foi o punto de partida para a reflexión exposta por Brais Rodríguez. Unha revisión sobre importancia das imaxes na sociedade: sobre o seu valor icónico como medios de expresión das ideas que o poder transmite a través dos Gobernos, a Igrexa..., pero tamén como medios para manter a memoria e os recordos. Unha mirada na que o autor tamén reflexiona sobre a inestabilidade das sociedades e a violencia que se desencadea cando se alteran os mecanismos de control ideolóxico.
Brais Rodríguez, desenvolve unha dobre faceta como autor de cómic; por unha banda a súa presentación como como debuxante minucioso, de carácter ás veces minimalista con viñetas nas que só traza liñas negras sobre fondos brancos. Doutra banda, Brais sérvese de numerosas estampas utilizadas como ilustración da prensa periódica e a literatura do século XIX, para descontextualizándoas, darlles unha diferente utilidade ao servizo dunha nova narración, creando situacións surrealistas e atmosferas atenazantes". - Javier Arias- Metalocus.
Carne Líquida / 2019 / A4 Notebook / Staple / 32 pgs / B/W (cover, inside) / Spanish.
" The fanzine is based on the album of prints as models for artistic learning, collected by Juan Clemente Brignardelli (G-5922). It is an album of 114 large-format pages containing 420 prints, almost all of them etchings or engravings, from the 16th to 18th centuries, from different European schools.
The state of conservation of the prints, deteriorated by their daily use at the Cadiz School of Drawing, where Brignardelli was a teacher in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, has been the starting point for the reflection proposed by Brais Rodríguez. A review of the importance of images in society: their iconic value as a means of expressing the ideas that power transmits through governments, the Church..., but also as a means of maintaining memory and memories. The author also reflects on the instability of societies and the violence that is unleashed when the mechanisms of ideological control are altered.
The state of conservation of the prints, deteriorated by their daily use at the Cadiz School of Drawing, where Brignardelli was a teacher in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, has been the starting point for the reflection proposed by Brais Rodríguez. A review of the importance of images in society: their iconic value as a means of expressing the ideas that power transmits through governments, the Church..., but also as a means of maintaining memory and memories. The author also reflects on the instability of societies and the violence that is unleashed when the mechanisms of ideological control are altered.
Brais Rodríguez develops a double facet as a comic author; on the one hand, he presents himself as a meticulous artist, sometimes minimalist in nature, with vignettes in which he only draws black lines on white backgrounds. On the other hand, Brais makes use of numerous prints used as illustrations from the periodical press and 19th century literature, to decontextualise them and give them a different use in the service of a new narrative, creating surreal situations and gripping atmospheres". Javier Arias- Metalocus.