Isach Skeidsvoll - Dance To Summon - ElMuelle1931

Isach Skeidsvoll - Dance To Summon

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Ultraääni / Finland / 2023

Eco era eco. She loved her own voice. She could sing. Sing! And oh so many instruments. Wow. Troppi strumenti. She refused love from all men and gods. All men are gods. Amava la sua stessa voce. Eccola! Elskende sin egen stemme. According to [*******] she grew up among nymphs, sa mère était une nymphe. Però, her father
was an ordinary man. Elle aimait sa propre voix. Eco era mortale. Eco was mortal. Play me something suonami qualcosa spill no’ fett for meg, Eco. She spent her days dancing, the muses taught her well. Quel bonheur! Elle était un rêve. Drømmeliv. Eco était écho.
Simultaneously. Press play please. Secondo [******] Eco had an aptitude for gossip. A God urged her to entertain his wife as a distraction while han pulte de andre nymfene. Of course the Goddess noticed the deception. La déesse intelligente punished Eco by taking away stemmen hennes and condemning her to mai
parlare per prima. Solo le ultime parole that were spoken to her or that she heard. Costretta a ripetere le ultime sillabe. Plus tard près d'un étang, ja, seinere ved en speilblank skogsdam Is anyone there? Narciso was startled. Come here! Only to be told the same. Eco var gjenlyd. Once she sang. Remember? In her delight she rushed to him pronta ad abbracciare il suo amore. Mais l'amant croyait qu’Eco se moquait de lui. Narciso, stanco della ragazza, se ne è andato lasciandola sola. Hands off! May I die before you enjoy my body. All Eco could whisper in reply Enjoy my body. La ninfa
innamorata perdutamente di Narciso. Punish him! Incapace di confessarglielo. Hånlig he said Må jeg dø før alt mitt er ditt. And Eco replied Alt mitt er ditt. Nemisis straffa Narciso. Myten har gitt navn. He saw his own reflection in the pond, fell in love listening to Eco e le ultime sillabe. Simultanément. Che bella voce! Eco var
dødelig. Selon moi var det sykelig selvnytelse and she was forced to watch him as he fell in love with himself. Quelle tristesse! When Narciso died, wasting away before his own reflection, consumata da un amore che non poteva esistere, Eco mourned over his body.
Eventually, også Eco, began to waste away. Skjønnheten blekna, her skin shrivelled, and her bones turned to stone. Steinhardt.
Today, all that remains of Eco is the sound of her voice. Oggi, tutto ciò che resta di Eco è il suono della sua voce. All that remains is sound. Alt som gjenstår er lyd  (Runa Skjeldal).